
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Archelon ischyros

It is supposed to be in italic.
Archelon ischyros

Ahh! Biar. Who caress!!

This is the archelon:

Gonna start this post with boring facts.

A simplified version of my understanding: ini yg sa paham la.

Archelon is a turtle,(its genus or something) an extinced turtle, to be exact.
and this turtle is so huge and reach as high as 4 metres.

Yesh, it is even larger than a human being.
Amazing creation of God.
Imagine if these Archelon still exist today..hurm.
I guess there is a reason for them to be extinct.

Okeh, sambung.

I haven't finished my turtles assignment which is due next week.

Yesh. Next week. Omaigad.

Bagus. sangat bagus.
Tahniah Aibeh! Limpang2 lu.

And the assigment includes drawing turtles, their carapace, plastron and skelton.

So we have to draws 2 species of turtles in the IPMB, the hawksbill and green turtle.

And oh, we have to draw each for all the 3 stages : hatchling, juvenile and adult.

And yes I AM SUPER GRATEFUL that they don't have archelon isochyros here in IPMB.
Thank God.

The turtles are driving me crazy.

 Dei dogo..bukan sama seja ka rupa dia dari kicik smpai basarr?kanapa jg mau lukis smua stage?

Nasib baik sabariah dan sabarudin sudi menyertai saya dalam proses melukis turtles.
Terima kasih Tuhan kerana menghantar sabariah dan sabarudin. =D

Drawing these turtle reminds me of the labi2 back at my home.

Aparently, my family is a big fan of sup labi labi.

Me? Not so much.

Adakah sebab sia pun pigi minum sup labi2 aritu, trus inila karma dia.

Beh, sejak bila sia mempercayai kepercayaan karut neee.
Asthaja. Plis la. Plissss la aibeh..

In my defence, i never like the soup.
And i only take like a sip.

Terus trauma suda nampak turtle. Dei dogo.

Yala berjanji sia tidak akan minum sup labi2 lagi. -_-

Aik, labi labi sama penyu ada kaitan mehh?

Im not sure. But my guess is that maybe they come from the same family.
Ah tidak penting ba tu.
Yang penting important. 

A picture of me holding the dinner for my family. Forgot when it was taken. Why am i so happy?

Ba, i have like 5 drawings to go. Wish me luck.

P.s :
Dear mr and mrs turtles,
you might be big and many.
But well, my God is Bigger than u.
I can do this!! 

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