
Monday, October 31, 2011

A little kindness goes a long way

Ok, before i share this, i'm not trying to impress anyone or to show off...or whatever you call it.
I just want to share my thoughts or feeling. Manatau kamurang tersentuh. Kunun. Tidak ba.
Because you know la,

Sharing is caring kan~

So, a quick update. I'm in a new place, about 700km away from my home.
And yes, it can be consider as one of my so-called 'out of comfort zone' and i'm very much unfamiliar with this place.
At first la.

However, i am getting used and adapted to this new surrounding.
So Yeah, terima kasih Tuhan Yesus! =)

Being here the first time, i can already notice that this place is not fully developed,
and no offence but poverty is the one thing that is very obvious.

Kids are wandering here begging for money or whatever people have to offer, and the other day when i went to throw a plastic of rubbish, i saw the kids are inside the big garbage searching for perhaps what-so-ever still can be reused or to be sell.

According to my not-so-statistical-research,
From 10 children that i came across with, 7.5 of them are not wearing shoes, or slippers.

Why ada 0.5 oh bilang? Hahaha
(And belum lagi sia kasi cerita what i saw in the kampung area in the island, fuh~)

And i asked myself, what la i should do?

And faster than the speed of lightning, this bible verses sprang to my mind: 
Matthew 25 : 35-40

Okla, actually i don't remember exactly which verse, i only remember the main point of the verse, which is:
Whatever you did to strangers, or to whosoever, you did for Him.

Since i did not hafal all the bible verse, here's the complete version of what i said structed me earlier:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,  
I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

So today during my lunch hour, i came across a little girl, who apparently, is not wearing slipper as well.
And i was walking back to the office, and i walk by her, (actualy i wanted to take another route ba, but strangely i still want to walk pass her by)

Then she approach me asking for food.
(Yala ba kan, takkan dia tiba2 minta salipar pla kan..)

I was stunned for a split second, and coincidentally i did not finish my lunch that day, so i tapau la my Nasi goreng Kampung yang SANGAT THE VERY PEDAS ni.

(Well. I believe that it's not a Coincidence. I mean the 'coincidentally' did not finish my lunch, and 'coincidentally' i feel like tapau-ing it)

I believe its His plan.
It's always when i least expect it, the unexpected will come whether i like it or not.
You know, i think God has a funny way of asking me to do the so-called little things in my life.

Yeah, at this point of my life.
I know and realize that i may not be a Saint. Obviously.

I'm no St Francis. No St Teresa of Avila @ The Little Flower.

And yes i don't even know half he names of the Saints.

And yes, i'm a sinner just like any normal being.

But you know what?

God still loves you. Whether you like it or not. 

I realize that it was because of we are a sinner that we come to Him.
It's not the sick people that need the doctor kan?

And I learned that God do not ask you to give things you don't have ba.

And God knows your limit. Always.
So do what you Can,
because i believe that a little kindness can make a difference.

So for me, i think i'm being called to the Little Things.
You know. The small small things.

And no matter how small you think your kindness is, trust me.
It's never small in God's eye.

Remember the verses i said that structed me these few days? It's like a magic verse ni, i mean whenever i saw kids with no slipper, or kids begging, or kids that lives in poverty, the verse will like come to me in that exact moment.

So i quickly gave the little girl my tapau.

Thank you Father God. For showing me the way.
May you bless the girls and the rest of the living-in-the poverty-kids out there.

I wish i can do more, i just haven't have a clear picture of how i can help more. So let start it through small things first. Nothing is impossible in Jesus name kan. Amen!

And another thing i learned is to be grateful of what you have, sometimes looking at people living in poverty, makes you realize how abundant your blessing are.

P.s : I'm laughing inside my heart when i saw so many kids wihtout slippers here, isaid this to myself 'Looks like i'll be buying dozens of slippers while i'm here.' Btw, i haven't bought any slipper yet. Hope to do that soon. Or more

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