
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Random Thoughts

I'm having random thoughts again. Things i would love to do before i die.

1. Open a baby clothes store. This thought popped out when i was crocheting my nephew's beanie, and it turn out really cute! Doii..please la aibeh.. Ya, a girl can dream right? 

2. I'm gonna sneak into a swimming pool in the middle of the night and swim as long as i want. This is just crazy, but definitely one of the things that i always want to do.

3.  Conquer Mr Everest's heart. Actually, I mean to conquer Mount Kinabalu. Definitely!

Here's a thought. To make these dreams come true quicker perhaps i should marry off some rich sons of millionaire and ask him to make number 1 and 2 come true by buying a store and a swimming pool for me. 
Well i doubt that he can buy me number 3 though. 

According to my statistical analysis, the probability of marrying some rich guy that are :

- guy with good looking, nice and romantic character
- guy i'm in love with 
- and actually loves me back

 is like 99.9%.. 

IF you are the main actress in a korean movie. 

So the chances for it to happen in real life is 1%. 

Okay, i guess it's enough for now. Should accomplished one of these before i list out another random thoughts again.

Have a nice day, peeps. Be blessed! :)

i'm wearing my onceinablue beanie

12.29 pm
Dear you,

I'm sick of this. I'm sick of you avoiding and running away instead of Facing it.

Perhaps you join the Running Man show since you are so good at running away!

I just hope that you will figure it out before it's too late.

Tired and confused,
me 23.35 pm