Okay, i dont know if such "Dusunese" word exist.
Im so gonna take dusun as my audit subjct next semester. *harap2 la ckup jam kredit
Damn! im so jealous with pepel who can speak dusun. *diam diam sajala, pura2 paham
Okay actually im impressed. *yala, kamu hebatla momoros dusun
Ya i am. So tahniah la setinggi tinggi gunung kinabalu saya ucapkan to those who knows Dusun
Its my mother tongue! so i have to find a way to learn it.
Although im only half dusun and half Chinese,
But still..not knowing my own mother tongue is kinda erm.. *bikin malu ba.!!
I’ve mastered Chinese*ok , not really a master but at least i know how to speak and write Chinese character
And i really like languages, i don’t know. I think its good to learn others languages.
So i’ve took Japanese as my foreign language subject due to my obsession toward mangas and anime in animax channel and lots of comic books in my house
And i also know Cantonese. I mean a bit.
And i learn it since i was a child because i was one of those TV2-7pm-cantonese-drama-fan who grew up watching Cantonese dramas aired at 7 pm every weekdays at tv 2.
Ya, it was Thanks to TV2 Cantonese dramas that i was able to understand most of the Cantonese words.
Now who said TV isn’t beneficial?
I never intend to learn this language, but i guess that’s how you learned languages the easier way. =D
a) By watching a 1 hour Cantonese drama with your family and discussing who is the villain and how the stories end and adding your own imaginary twist end to the Cantonese drama.
Well.. Its easier and more fun compare to..
b) sitting in the class for 3 hours that feels like 3 days listening to your lecturer talking about whatever that has nothing to do with the class as you keep checking yr watch every 5 minutes and wonder "WHY the hell is the time moving so slowly!!?"
And then i spend the next 2 hours and 55 minutes daydreaming and thinking what movie am i going to watch tomorrow.
Or i might just as well lukis peta Borneo di belakang kelas. *im good at this! ZZzzz
And i found myself blaming Japanese subject for causing my pointer to drop when foreign languages is SUPPOSED to help your PNGK.
My face when i saw my japanese's result:
DUsh! Kanapa ba ni japanese saya dapat ***!!! Kurang asam.
Bukan pula membantu sia ke arah usaha tangga kejayaan.
Bukan pula membantu sia ke arah usaha tangga kejayaan.
Menolak saya dari tangga kejayaan ADALAaaaa!!
*Padahal sendiri tidur ah di class..tapi marah2 ni..wakakaaa..gomenasai sensei!
Sabar...sabar sejala.
Sabar...sabar sejala.
Okeh enough about my japanese thing.
Suddenly i miss those time.. *teda kesinambungan butul oh crita sa ni kan..hahaha..paduliii laaaa
when we didn't have that fancy ASTRO channels yet
when all we have are TV1 and TV2.
when all of the family gather in front of the TV watching the same TV shows. *trus tida paya mo berebut channel sebab ada 2 channel ja kan.
But hey, it was good enough for us.
Well, TV 2 used to have good Cantonese drama.
Suddenly i miss those time.. *teda kesinambungan butul oh crita sa ni kan..hahaha..paduliii laaaa
when we didn't have that fancy ASTRO channels yet
when all we have are TV1 and TV2.
when all of the family gather in front of the TV watching the same TV shows. *trus tida paya mo berebut channel sebab ada 2 channel ja kan.
But hey, it was good enough for us.
Well, TV 2 used to have good Cantonese drama.
So good that you wouldnt want to miss an episode. =D *yeah, im a cantonese drama freak!!
Its not like im saying that nowadays their drama aren’t that good.
But well, maybe people change and shows change too.
Okay, back to my dusun thing.
Well, i’ve known a bit of dusun from here and there, from my mum when she was talking about us*the children, and also from the people around me.
You know, i should have took dusun instead of japanese.
But they wouldn’t allow it.
Why? Nokuro? Wei shen me? Tim kai? Nan deyo? KAnapa ba kanapa ba ko berubah. Nah tiba2..
Because they think it isn’t fair for a sino dusun to took Dusun class as they think i would have some basics to dusun already.
What the H. *sabar sejala ah sabariahh..
Well, nevermind.
And yes, i cant take mandarin as my foreign languages too because im half Chinese and hence its not fair for other.
And later i found out that there was this few people that is not chinese who learned mandarin during their primary school is taking mandarin as their foreign language.
Talking about being FAIR here.
Huh.sabar...sabar ko sabariah..
But nevermind, the world is a cruel place to begin with anyway.
Padahal dalam hati : Ya, menipu la kamu sanaa...nda berkat tu.
Now what should i take? They leave me with a few options.
Arab? I don’t think so.
Spanish? Erm, im not interested. And don’t think i have much use of it
Tamil? Erm..i don’t know.
French? Also not interested.
So i took Japanese.
I wouldn’t want to take something that im not intested in because if i did, im so gonna be bored to death.
*Okeh, tida la sampai mati.. pingsan sejala.
You see, i like japanese and i think it was fun.
But still, a 3 hour Japanese class and in the mid afternoon, and being in the class with strangers
It really feels like a 3 days thing for me.
*and plus the girls in the class are so loud and a bit rude, talking in the class when the teacher is talking in front.
Seriously annoying. their voices are super mega double LOUD that you can hear it from the next class clearly.
Again sa terpaksa jadi Sabariah lagi..Ba, kalau sabar itu separuh dari iman.. Iman sa jadi separuh suda ni.
Kalau sia tidak sabar..lama suda sia teriak..Oit jan BISINGG ba!! orang mau tidur bainii!! wakaka..
And for the whole 3 hour class yang buringtahapdewa kekayaan.
I was looking at my watch every 5minutes.
Okay..maybe 3 minutes. Or less.
And i was so sleepy when the teacher get carried away talking about experiences and past thing which has nothing to do with the exercise book’s example that we were discussing.
Na, strategik butul ba tu masa, sudala tengahari buta, lepas lunch lagitu.. time2 org bertukar jadi ular sawa.
So if it took something im not interested in, it would really feels like 3 weeks.
And talking bout 3 hour class, it reminds me of the 1st semester English Class we are compulsory to take.
Oh man, don’t get me started on that.
That 3 hour English class at night.
3 hours!
And at night somemore.
Adui ma.
Berat ati sa mo pigi, berat lagi langkah sa berjalan pigi kelas. Nasib berat badan saya tidak memberatkan lagi keadaan.
But thank God there was this cutie that was in the same class with me. Wakakaaa..
So 3 hours of English class wouldn’t be so boring then. *Thank U God!
See? There was always this silver lining in every cloud.
Apparently, im in my effort to learn a bit of dusun from my mom and my friends and unfortunately tv isn’t much of help here since they don’t really air Dusun shows.
Okeh sebelum sa merapu rapu sini sambil jual ikan kerapu,
Sebelum ko jadi Sabariah membaca blog saya yang merapu rapu,
izinkan saya membuat kesimpulan.
Sebelum ko jadi Sabariah membaca blog saya yang merapu rapu,
izinkan saya membuat kesimpulan.
jadi kesimpulan dia ialah :one day when i have kids, i would definitely teach them Dusun,
Oh yes,
im proud of dusun. =D
But still, im grateful with whatever i have.
At least i know how to speak mandarin. =D